We pour every dollar back to the Quarterfield Community

With your membership, donation or fundraising efforts, the PTA is able to support the students and faculty of Quarterfield ES. We support students by providing funds towards field trips, STEAM initiatives, Run Club, PBIS Cart, and more. We support faculty by providing quarterly luncheons and other staff morale events.

1st Annual(?) Spring Auction

We are hosting a Spring Auction this year. The board has been hard at work soliciting donations already, but if you’d like to ask around your network as well we would be appreciative. You can download our donation request letter. This includes our tax information and Non-Profit Status, as well as Jeremy’s contact information and signature. Thank you for your help as we hope this turns out to be our biggest fundraiser of the year.

We participate in Box Tops for Education!

Download the Box Tops for Education App and choose Quarterfield Elementary School as the school you’re supporting.

What did we do with funds raised last school year?

In the 2022-2023 school year the QES PTA supported the students and faculty of Quarterfield by providing over $6500 worth of resources including:

  1. A yearbook to every 5th grader
  2. Field trip support for Pre-K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
  3. Funding a party for students that completed the Black Eyed Susan Festival reading challenge
  4. Snowball truck at the spring Book Fair
  5. Thanksgiving meals to multiple QES Families in need
  6. Multiple lunches for faculty morale
  7. And more

Spirit Wear

QES PTA receives 20% of all purchases of spirit wear. Every item in the store is uniform approved and can be worn in place of the normal uniform attire.